
Welcome to Online Stress Relief, a.k.a. my place on web I created to be my own personal publishing space.

I have been journaling virtually since I remember, and still struggle once in a while when it comes to writing. Also, for quite some time, I worked as a ghost writer, writing on topics as various as green living, fashion and trends, all the way to interior design and relationships. It’s been only several months since I started working as a copywriter and content creator, discovering bit by bit what it actually takes to become a web writer.

However, only after starting this place on the web did I realise, once again, how easy it is for me to create content when passionate about it. As you will learn browsing through my blog, the majority of my pieces is well above 2000 words. That’s how you write for yourself – when nobody’s forcing you.

Once again, I wish you a very warm welcome to Online Stress Relief blog, and I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them. Feel free to comment too!

Oh, yeah, a reminder – before you continue.

Digital theft is a criminal act and requires legal actions.

Do not feel free to steal my content without my permission. This blog is protected by DMCA and is subject to infringement acts that arise from it. That means that if you steal without authorisation, Google will be informed of it, as well as your website provider, and, sooner than you know it, your website will be shut down.

If you like something and would like to share it on your blog or website, please contact me so we can agree on it. Other than that, feel free to share the texts with linking to the original source – that is, me.

Stay tuned, more content on its way!