Essential tips for novice drivers + an introduction to my driving experience

Once you pass your driving exam, real world driving is a completely different story. All drivers have their rules and will gladly share them with a novice in the hope of offering a helping hand. But what are those few go-by rules to offer you a peace of mind and make you feel comfortable in the car once you get out on the road on your own for the first time?

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Milestones to remember 2021 by pt.2

No matter how uneventful last year may seem at first glance, there were still events, people, and milestones that marked 2021 as a year of many firsts, many new and unexpected events or actions I would never have thought possible. I want to dwell on them here and now, to reflect on how they influenced me, and maybe even see what I should or could work on in the future.

Continue reading “Milestones to remember 2021 by pt.2”

How to travel like a local

Only a person who can call herself a traveller has a legitimate right to claim knowing some things about travelling. And here they are – tips and tricks on how to blend in with the locals and experience travelling as if you are home. Continue reading “How to travel like a local”